Silver Olive Oil Award – Cretanthos Early harvest Olive Oil
For another year, we share with you pleasant news about our olive oil. After a difficult and unprecedented year due to the coronavirus pandemic, we managed to stay focused on our goal and maintain the high quality standards we have set for Cretanthos olive oil.
Our participation in the World Olive Oil Competition “EVO IOOC Italy” 2021 brought us another award. Our Bio Early harvest olive oil, was awarded with Silver Quality Award. Olive oils from all over the world participated in the competition and were evaluated by professional olive oil tasters from all over the world.
This award brought joy and satisfaction to the team of Cretanthos that despite the adverse conditions we were called to face in the pandemic, we remained calm and committed to the goal: production of excellent quality olive oil. We dedicate this award to all our partners for their support and trust all these years. These give us the strength to always continue for the best!
Cretanthos Bio Early Harvest
Silver Award