By Dietitian – Nutritionist Natasa Papairakleous
Olive oil and weight loss: what do I need to know?
Omirus called it “liquid gold”, while Hippocrates had recognized the
its healing properties. The reason for olive oil, the basis of the Mediterranean
nutrition, which continues to arouse the interest of researchers worldwide,
which confirm its beneficial and therapeutic actions.
Some of the most well-known benefits of consuming olive oil include:
- its cardioprotective action
- its strong anti-inflammatory properties
- protection against stroke
- reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
- In addition it helps in weight loss. Olive oil contains more
- monounsaturated fatty acids from any natural oil. And for this reason
- promotes the feeling of satiety, which prevents them from being consumed other processed or calorie-rich foods.
Olive oil can be helpful for weight loss, but it seems to
is more beneficial when used in certain amounts.
1 tablespoon (15 mL) olive oil contains 119 calories and 13.5 grams fat.
Therefore even a small portion of olive oil can contribute with significant number of calories and amount of fat.
Therefore, it should be used in limited quantities.
In conclusion, olive oil is used as part of a vegetable
Diets such as the Mediterranean diet can offer the greatest benefits long term.
Natasa Papairakleous
Dietitian Nutritionist
He graduated in 2006 from the Department of Dietetics – Nutrition
Harokopiou University of Athens after completing her internship at
public hospitals and her dissertation. Then, he continued his postgraduate studies
of her studies at the University of Glasgow attending the program
“Human Nutrition” specializing in Clinical Nutrition. In 2017
was awarded the doctorate of the Department of Health Unit Management
Open University of Cyprus on: “Nutrition and self-management of diabetes
type 2 ».
Since 2007 he has been practicing the profession of clinical dietitian / nutritionist as
freelancer in her personal diet office and since 2015
until 2020 I was a member of the medical team of Diktaion Medical Center in
From 2013 until today he is a research associate in the Department of Dietetics-
Of Nutrition of the European University of Cyprus.
He also collaborates with the Pancyprian School of Parents for the education of parents
to adopt proper eating habits. He also lectures on
profession of dietitian in high schools.
I am one of the authors of the book “Nutrition Expertise” and the author
of the book ‘Childhood obesity-‘ A practical and advisory guide for
the parents”.
It systematically monitors the developments of the diet through its participation in
conferences both in Cyprus and in Greece.