Ingredients for the Farmer’s Potato Salad!
- 3 large potatoes
- 1 medium onion
- 1/2 cup capers
- 1/2 cup mayonnaise
- 3 tablespoons Cretanthos Bio Early Harvest Olive Oil
- salt
Boil the 3 potatoes in a saucepan. Then let them cool and peel them. Then, in a blender, put the boiled potatoes, the onion in pieces, the mayonnaise, the 3 spoons of Cretanthos Bio Early Harvest olive oil and the salt and mix for 2-3 minutes until it becomes a homogeneous mixture. In addition, put the mixture in a container, add the capers and mix with a spoon so that it mixes well. Then, we put the mixture in a special mold depending on the shape we want to give it or leave it in any container. Leave it for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator and then serve. Good appetite!!