Mediterranean Diet & Diabetes

Mediterranean Diet & Diabetes By Fotini Mavropoulou Dietitian – Nutritionist (BSc) What is Diabetes: Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disease characterized by high levels blood glucose (sugar). In diabetes, the body produces less or no insulin or uses insulin ineffectively. Increased blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and metabolic disorders of glucose occurs either as a result…


Heart patients and the olive oil in their diet

Heart patients and the olive oil in their diet Cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide, can be prevented in largely with a healthy lifestyle. The current recommendations underline the importance of dietary standards including healthy sources dietary fats, such as those high in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fat. The cardioprotective properties…


Good fats and their role in our diet

Good fats and their role in our diet Despina Palamas Clinical Dietitian / Nutritionist Fat is one of the main constituents of macronutrients. One gram of fat yields 9kcal, making it the most energy-intensive ingredient in the diet. Carbohydrates and proteins from 4 calories per gram. Unsaturated fatty acids Good fats are called unsaturated fats…


Feta cheese on your table

Ingredients for “Feta cheese on our table” 500gr feta cheese 1/2 class of Cretanthos Bio Early Harvest dry oregano Instructions: Place the feta cheese on a plate. Continue by cutting it into strips. Then put the Cretanthos Bio Early Harvest olive oil on top so that it goes everywhere. Furthermore rub plenty of dry oregano to give aroma.Feta…


Farmer’s Potato Salad

Ingredients for the Farmer’s Potato Salad! 3 large potatoes 1 medium onion 1/2 cup capers 1/2 cup mayonnaise 3 tablespoons Cretanthos Bio Early Harvest Olive Oil salt instructions: Boil the 3 potatoes in a saucepan. Then let them cool and peel them. Then, in a blender, put the boiled potatoes, the onion in pieces, the…


Extra Virgin Olive oil and its healing properties

By Dietitian – Nutritionist Dimitra Karagianni Extra Virgin Olive oil and its healing properties Extra Virgin Olive oil is the basis of the Mediterranean Diet, a model of proper and hygiene nutrition and longevity factor. The beneficial properties of olive oil lie in its organoleptic characteristics and its nutritional composition. The importance of olive oil…


Energy saving is the only way!

Energy saving is the only way! The need for energy savings is as unquestionable as ever. Climate change is the result of the reckless waste of raw materials and energy by humans and has led our planet to the brink of utter destruction. It is necessary to change course and cultivate ecological consciousness that will…
